Helicobacter Pylori-C13
By utilizing the slight difference between the absorption peak positions of 13CO2 and 12CO2, the Analyzer measures the concentrations of 13CO2 and 12CO2 respectively then calculates the variation DOB(‰) of the abundance of 13C isotopes over the natural abundance of 13C to determine whether the patient has been infected with H pylori.
(1) 5.7 inch capacitive screen with high resolution for sensitive
and accurate operation, without correction.
(2) Stand-alone operation or connection to computer and hospital
information system.
(3) With USB interface for downloading test data by…
Helicobacter Pylori-C14
The analyzer is designed for medical units to diagnose H pylori infection in human stomach. After patient takes urea labeled with , if he/she has Helicobacter pylori in stomach, the urease generated by Hpylori will dissolve urea into 14CO2. The detector uses an ionization counter to measure 14C in exhaled breath to diagnose H pylori infection. HUBT-20P Helicobacter Pylori Detector
(1) New structural design with beautiful appearance and light weight.
(2) Adopting newly designed circuit and elements…