Main Features :-
TheFREND™COVID-19Ag is a fluorescence immunoassay (FIA) foruse with theF REND™ System. It is designed for the qualitative detection of the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 directly from nasopharynx geal swab specimens directly from individuals suspected with COVID-19 by their healthcare provider.
In the event of apandemic, the management of avast a mount of clinical result is important. However, many laboratories face the challenge in arranging the essential in formation effectively(1).
TheFRENDTMCOVID-19IgG/IgM Duo is a point-of-care testing ( POCT)which canbeusedtocheckwhetherpatienthasdevelopedimmuneresponsetoSARS-CoV-2usinghumanserumorplasma.ForCOVID-19IgG/IgMDuo,itsmeasurementisbasedonafluorescentimmunoassayshowingQUALITATIVEresult.Originally,FRENDTMSystemisaquantitativeassayanditcanbeusedtomeasureadditionalmarkersforadditionalstudies.
3 minutes-Fast result
2 steps-Easy to use
100%-Positive & Negative Percent Agreement
– Accurate & compact/Easy-to-use
– Rapid and quantitative immunoassay
– Small sample volume analysis
– Innovative microchip and microfluidic technologies
– Flexible platform for multiple tests
Electrical rating: 100-240 V~, 1.7 A, 50/60 Hz – Output :DC 12 V, 3.33 A
Dimension: 240 mm x 260 mm x 175 mm (W x L x H)
Operating Condition:10~40 °C (Temperature) / 30~80 % (Humidity)
Storage condition:15~30 °C (Temperature) / 10~80 % (Humidity)
User interface: 7 inch touch screen
Printer size: 75 mm x 103 mm x 44.3 mm
Printer weight: 200 g
Printing speed 50 mm/sec
Weight: 3 Kg.
Qualitative test for COVID-19 SP
The FREND™ COVID-19 SP is a point-of-care testing (POCT) which can be used to check whether patients have developed immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 using human serum or plasma.
– 3 minutes | Fast result
– 2 steps | Easy to use
– 97% & 96% | Positive & Negative Percent Agreement
– Microfluidic Qualitative Immunoassay (spike protein)
– LIS connectivity (data management)
The FREND™ COVID-19 SP is a point-of-care testing (POCT) which can be used to check whether patient has developed immune response to SARS-CoV-2 using human serum or plasma. The FREND™ COVID-19 SP is a fluorescence immunoassay (FIA) using the FREND™ System intended for the qualitative detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. The FREND™ COVID-19 SP is intended for use as an aid in identifying individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2, indicating recent or prior infection.
FREND Test Menu : COVID-19 Ab, COVID 19 Ag, COVID 19 SP ,FLU A&B,PSA Plus, Vit.D, D-Dimer , Cardiac Triple , BNP, Troponin I, PCT ,.